Saturday, June 9, 2012

Rex Goliath Chardonnay Part II

Sarah says:

This glass is pretty much my standard glass to use when Jon isn't home.  Might be because it's a little smaller than the others, which makes me feel like it's more acceptable since I'm drinking alone.  It might be because this glass doesn't have a match - it's a good glass to use for a single person (I think I had a coupon for a free glass! - coupons rocked back then just as much as they do now, only instead of free glasses of wine, now I'm looking for discounts on diapers!).  I think the real reason I like to use this glass, is because Jon and I got it on a trip we took, YEARS AGO, to a winery, for a weekend getaway.  This was a long time ago - pre kids and probably even pre wedding.  I don't even know the name of the city or the bed and breakfast that we stayed in... but I do know, we had a good time.  I think I like using this glass because it's a reminder of simpler times.  Don't get me wrong, I love love love my kids, but sometimes it's nice to remember what it was like before them.  The pic of Jon and I in this pic is us, back in the day!  Weren't we young and sexy?  The flowers were my mother's day present from Mary this year.  Look closely, and you'll see it also included a poem that pretty much declares me as the best mom ever.  It's the best of both worlds right there.

My how things have changed.  Let's see - since that trip - I'm just going to guess it was 2004 - but I really have no idea.... I graduated college, got a "real" job, bought my first car, got married, learned that I'm not a very good cook (but I keep trying!), got our first pet together, bought a house, almost burnt our house down the first week because we didn't open the vent, painted... a lot, got pregnant, made Jon loose the truck and buy a family car, had a baby boy, became "that Mom" that breastfeeds in public, got in the biggest fight of our lives, made up, had a baby girl, became a runner, had my Dad live with us, got tattoos together, had our basement flood... twice, lost our first pet together (RIP Oscar, I still miss you!), started learning about wine, and almost have a kindergartner!

And things aren't done changing yet.  We are apparently moving in August.  We put a deposit on an apartment in Canton.  I desperately want the kids to be in a better school district, and I'm pretty much out of time to make that happen.  I'm remarkably calm about this considering I have no idea (not to mention, no control over) what is going to happen over the next two months.  But, I'm praying and hoping that it all works out for the best.  I really really want it to work out.  There is so much that could be great about this move - the schools, and having our church only a few miles away (instead of 30!) are two of my favorites.  But beyond that - Jon and I have talked about his job.  Living in Canton, but working in Birmingham doesn't make a whole lot of sense.  Jon MIGHT try to get a "regular" job.  For as long as I've known him, Jon has worked the night shift.  As discussed here, Jon and I don't get to see a lot of each other.  We live opposite lives, and there is no doubt that it has caused us conflict.  When people ask, I usually lie and say that we are used to it, and that it makes our time together more special, since it's so rare, we try to make the time we have together really count.  I say that it just works for us!  While there is some truth in that, I don't know if it's something that you can get used to.  It doesn't work for us, we have to make it work.  A more honest answer is that we hate it, and we suck it up.  We do try to make our time together count, but it's not easy.  I'm sleepy at night when he's awake.  I'm jumping up and rearing to go in the morning, when he's groggy and wants just 10 more min... about 8 times. 

Absolutely zero steps have been made in making this potential schedule change happen.  But, just the idea that it MIGHT happen, has me as giddy as my kids when they hear the ice cream man.  I'm so excited.  I want this change more than I've ever wanted anything in my life.  (That might not be true - I saw some shoes at DSW last week that I really really really want.... it's a toss up.)  To be able to see my husband everyday; to talk to him, to kiss him, to sleep in bed with him every night; to be able to eat dinner as a family; to be able to plan activities together; to have normal conversations that can last more than 5 min... every single day?!  It sounds unreal, almost too good to be true.  I've been having a hard time sleeping lately - this happens to be a lot when I'm stressed out.  But, instead of being stressed out, I'm laying awake thinking of all the great things we can do with our new found time together.  Yes, I really want this to happen.  

If it happens, I might be forced to blog less, because instead of spending my nights alone in front of the computer, I'll be spending them with my husband!!  And, I'm ok with that.  

Cross your fingers people, cross them tight.

Go ahead and cross your toes too, I could use it all!

PS. Since I'm finishing up the Rex Goliath wine tonight - I thought I'd update on the turkey situation.  Last time I saw the turkey was when Jon threw Liam's soccer ball at him, then chased him around the yard with a stick.  That was about 48 hours ago.  Liam said he saw Mr. Lurkey this morning, but I never did.  I put the bird food back out this afternoon and still haven't seen any signs of the turkey.  I'm tentatively saying that our turkey troubles are behind us.  At least, our live turkey troubles - one of these Thanksgivings I'm going to have to make a turkey, and that is going to create a whole other load of trouble.

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