Monday, December 23, 2013

Casillero del Diablo

Description on the bottle:  Casillero del Diablo Reserva Privada is a limited edition assemblage of selected grapes.  The wine is comprised of 70% Cabernet Sauvignon from Pirque in Malpo Valley, the origin of Casillero del Diablo, and 30% Syrah from the hillsides of Peumo, in Rapel Valley.  Casillero del Diablo Reserva Privada has been aged in French oak barrels for 14 months.

Sarah says:  That's a lot of fancy words, all I know is, I like it.  It's smoother than I would have expected, but it definitely has a bit of a kick at the end.  It's not overly strong, but has a little something to it.  I like it!  I'm very glad that I'm expanding into the world of reds.

Overall rating:  Thumbs up!

Sarah says:  On this Eve before Christmas Eve, I need to share a conversation that Liam and I had a few weeks ago.  This topic has been highly debated and discussed, so I figure, why not throw my thoughts into the mix!

Here's the conversation (this was a few days before Thanksgiving):
Liam:  Mom, how many more days until the holidays?
Me:  Which holiday, there are several coming up?
Liam:  Christmas.
Me:  Why didn't you just say Christmas?
Liam:  "So-and-so" calls it the holidays.  How many more days?
Me:  Well, we call it Christmas, so from now on, how about you say that, ok?
Liam (never to miss an opportunity to ask this question):  Why?  Why does "so-and-so" call it holidays but we call it Christmas?  How many more days?
Me:  Well, some people feel more comfortable with holidays, I feel comfortable with Christmas.  You can call it either, but I prefer that you call it Christmas.
Liam:  Why?  How many days??!!
Me:  31 days until Christmas.  I think of the holidays as the season, Christmas is the specific date you are asking about.
Liam:  Ok, 31 days, I'm going to play outside.

Sarah says:  So I realize he was really just trying to get the number of days he has to wait for Santa to deliver his bounty of presents, but it still has the holiday vs. Christmas debate at hand.  Per the New Jersey News, 67% of American's prefer Merry Christmas, while a mere 18% pick Happy Holidays.  The remaining 15% would rather not say anything.

So, if the majority of people prefer Merry Christmas, how come it's so taboo to say it?  I try to stay as far away from religious and political debates as possible, but for some reason this one catches my attention.  I grew up saying Merry Christmas, and I want my kids to do the same.  I fear that if they start saying Happy Holidays now, they will never feel comfortable with Merry Christmas.  To me, it isn't about forcing Christianity on those that don't believe, it's about us celebrating what we DO believe.  It's kind of like Santa, kids believe, adults don't.... but you don't see a bunch of adults telling kids not to believe.  No way, we embrace their belief and try to get them to believe as long as possible.  Why can't those that don't believe in Christmas, just be happy for those of us that do believe, and leave the rest alone?

To my Jewish friends, Happy Hanukkah!  To my African friends, Happy Kwanzaa!  I'm not trying to take away anyone's beliefs, why are some trying to take away mine?

Is it Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays for you?

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Acres of Land Vidal Blanc

Description on the bottle:  In the spring of 2002 the Wiseman family helped plant our Vidal Blanc vineyard.  In thanks to their efforts and in memory of the patriarch of the Wiseman family we offer you A. I. Vidal Blanc.

Sarah says:  While this wine is much sweeter than what I would generally prefer, I'm totally liking it.  I think it helps that I'm not eating, and haven't eaten in several hours, it a nice "after hours" wine.  I wouldn't pair it with food.  I'm also loving the description on the bottle.  It's short and sweet, but totally expresses their gratitude.  I'm a sucker for the personal touch.

Overall rating:  Thumbs up.

Sarah says:  This bottle isn't from my wine club!  I actually forgot I had this, which is totally crazy, I know, it won't happen again.  The problem is, we keep our wine rack on the top of our cupboards, so the kids won't accidentally knock something over, and I have a really hard time seeing what is up there, so I thought this was just another bottle from the club.  Imagine my surprise (and pleasure) to see this!  This bottle actually brings a lot of good memories to me.  As you may remember, we drove from Michigan to Disney World this summer.  On the long drive back, somewhere in mid-Kentucky, we started seeing signs for this Winery.  On a total carefree whim type moment, we stopped, and because it's not exactly appropriate to do a testing with kids in tow, we just crossed our fingers and grabbed a bottle.  This one to be exact.  And then, apparently, we forgot to drink it.  In our defense, we were exhausted when we got home, we probably just put it in the rack and it got mixed in with the others.

Summer vacation... ours was filled with laughter, swimming, princesses, rides, giant smiles, fireworks, sneaky kisses, great food, balloons, and staying up way past bedtime.  Ahhh, vacation.  I love vacation.  I want to take another vacation.  I recently read this quote from an anonymous woman "When I was sixteen, my mother told me that I was expendable and if I didn't work hard, companies would just get rid of me.  I work sixty to seventy hours a week, never take time off, and my husband and I haven't had a vacation in twelve years.  I'm a workaholic, and I love it."  Holy cow, I'm sad reading that.  I read this a few days ago, and went to work the next day and requested a day off.  I was already taking 2 days off because we are taking a day trip (mini vacation is better than no vacation!), but I decided to take a 3rd day, just for the heck of it, just because I can, just because I don't want to become the lady from the quote.  What will I do with that extra day?  Who knows... I'm hoping I'll get a chance to workout, play in the snow with the kids, and drink some wine... I'm flexible as to the order of those events.  All I know is, I'm due to make some carefree memories.  One's like from this summer when we bought this wine.  Taking the day off for no reason was a bit carefree, tonight I'll lift my glass to maintaining that frame of mind.

When was the last time you did something carefree?

Friday, December 13, 2013

Tobias Chardonnay

Description on the bottle:  Please contact us for wine and tasting information.

Sarah says:  What?!  No description?!  I'm sad.  The drink itself is fine. It's good but nothing thrilling.  Takes just like any other Chardonnay I've had.  The boring bottle however makes what could be an acceptable party wine, and just turns me off.  The label is often half the reason I purchase a bottle of wine.

Overall rating:  Thumbs down.

Sarah says:  This reminds me, I've made the decision to end my wine club.  As much as I love having a box of wine arrive at my front door, I love shopping for wine more.  I've tasted some good wines, and probably been exposed to higher quality wines than I'm used to, but I still think this is the right decision.  I love walking up and down the wine isle, looking for the right bottle to catch my eye.  Just today I was at Holiday Market, and I knew I didn't need any wine, but I walked the isle anyways.  It was awesome, the different colors, the different shapes, I just wanted to pick some out so badly!  I was sensible and didn't,since I still have 10 bottles left from the club.  But as soon as those are gone (or close to gone - I never want to be totally out of wine, that would be awful), I will be picking out my own wine again!

Similar to this bottle of wine, I fear this blog has gotten boring.  I am hopeful that as I bring back wines that I am actually excited by, exciting thoughts will come with them!