Monday, April 23, 2012

Beaujolais Nouveau Part II

Sarah says:

I'm still not a giant fan of this wine (or all red wine for that matter), but I guess finishing this bottle is just a sacrifice I'm going to have to make.  Jon doesn't have another day off until Saturday and I don't want the bottle to sit for that long and get funky.  (I'm not sure if it will get funky in 5 days, but I don't want to take any chances, I'm just going to have to drink tonight!  I live a tough life.)  Speaking of Saturday, Liam (our son and the oldest of our two) is turning 5.  Sniff sniff, where has the time gone?!  5, I'm pretty sure that officially makes him a kid.  We survived baby, toddler, & preschooler.  After kid is tween... oh my, I need more wine.

Anyways... I was going somewhere with this... ah yes, sacrifice.  Since we are blogging as a couple, why not talk about couple type things.  What a better topic than sacrifice.  If anyone has had a marriage without sacrifice, I lift my glass to you (literally), but I'm pretty sure most relationships involve a lot.  For me, I sacrifice a lot, I repeat, A LOT, of sleep for love.  Jon works nights, I get home around 5:15, just in time for a quick summary of the day (example: "How was your day?  Good, yours? Good.  How are the kids?  Good, they had a snack, peaches, at 4:00.  They are downstairs playing right now.  Great." Kiss, hug, out the door.  It's awesome. (My fingers are crossed tight that this won't last forever, but right now, it's our reality). Jon is out the door by 5:30 and gets home, depending on the day, on average, around 2:00.  When he gets home, he goes to sleep, and gets back up sometime around 7:30.  In theory, that means, I should be getting a lot more sleep than him.  Right.

What that really means is, I'm in charge of all night time activities and bedtime.  (That also means Jon is in charge of day time activities, but that is a blog for him to write!)  That also means, if either kid isn't in the mood to go to bed, I deal with it.  If either kid is sick in the middle of the night, I deal with it.  If someone needs to go potty in the middle of the night, I deal with it.  If someone gets scared of the dark, I deal with it.  If someone needs a drink of water, I deal with it.  If someone has a bad dream, I deal with it.  If someone can't find their teddy, I deal with it.  If someone suddenly wants to tell me a secret at 2 am, I deal with it.  If someone decides to wake up early, I deal with it.  If someone is hungry in the middle of the night, I deal with it.  If someone just wants a hug and snuggle time, I deal with it.  It's odd, my kids have been sleeping thru the night for years, but I can't remember the last uninterrupted night of sleep I got.  It also means, I wake up every night around 2:00 to ask Jon how work went.  We have some of our best conversations laying in bed in the middle of the night because it's the only time we aren't rushed.

So, that's my sacrifice.  I loose sleep, a lot of it, so Jon can have the job he loves, and get what little sleep he can.  Do I get tired and cranky about it?!  Um, yes!  Is it worth it?  Of course.  Eventually, at some point, they are asleep, and I get to peek into their rooms to look at their beautiful, sleeping, faces.  I watch them breathing, the up and down of their tiny bodies, and the fantastic facial expressions they each make.  I never leave those rooms without a smile on my face.  It's absolutely, without a doubt, my favorite part of the day.  They are so happy and peaceful and perfect.  I wouldn't give that up for any amount of sleep in the world.

  Sleeping princess

What do you mean he's turning 5?!  What happened to my kid who just falls asleep all sprawled out?!

That's it for me tonight.  My wine glass is empty and my body is tired.  What's your sacrifice?


  1. Such a good account of your sacrifice. It is always worth it, this parent-thing. Liam is going to be five? How did that happen?

    1. BTW: Aunt Terry here......that 'select profile' thing is weird so I hit 'anonymous' so that I can publish!
