Sunday, April 22, 2012

Beaujolais Nouveau 2011

Description on the bottle:  "The 2011 Beaujolais Nouveau is here! Refreshing, fruity and perfectly balanced. Nouveau is best served chilled with friends. The wine is youthful lively distinctive and fun just like the original artwork created by NY artist Mr. Kaves to celebrate it release. Art in any form is a means to express yourself, you culture or to make a statement. So raise your glasses to the spirit of Nouveau and Make a Statement!"

The first problem we noticed is, we weren't drinking with friends.  We'll work on that and do better next time.  But we did have some awesome Jet's Grilled Chicken pizza.  Yum.

jon-first my lips was tingly, then my mouth felt warm and THEN MY MOUTH WAS ON FIRE!!! although it could have been the crushed red pepper on the pizza we were eating. if it was the wine then at least it had some life to it. I honestly think there is nothing special to this wine. i didn't hate it and it wasn't awesome. i would buy another bottle but i will finish it.

Sarah - The first words out of my mouth were "yeah, I really don't like red wine".  That is pretty much still my final conclusion.  It kind of hits you in the back of the throat, and stays there, all yucky.  I enjoyed all of Jon's commentary while drinking.  His "hmmm.... I think it's making my mouth feel warm" and "it feels very processed, purified" (did you want it to have floaties?)  :-)  

Overall:  Thumbs down

1 comment:

  1. Red Wine Rocks! But - you have to acquire the taste. It all started with whites - then - chianti, which is the mother of reds! Dry, tart, kinda-awful-which-led-me-to: RED WINES! Go get some wine tasting in and you'll learn a lot about wines.

    The added benefit: good for your health!
