Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Gallo Pink Moscato

Sarah says:
This wine is pretty similar to the JW Morris Moscato we previously drank, but it has one major difference, this one is PINK!  That alone makes it a winner in my book, I've always enjoyed pink wine.  This is definitely still very sweet and would be classified as a dessert wine, but it's a bit more drinkable.  I like it, but don't love it.  I think I can easily handle one glass of it, but wouldn't want to do anymore.  

Overall rating:  Thumbs halfway up

Ahh.. pink.  I love pink.  It became my favorite color probably 10 years or so ago (prior to that it was always purple!).  I have pink shoes, pink purses, pink clothes, pink was even one of my wedding colors!  I guess that makes me girly.  I did something girly today that I haven't done in probably 7 years - I wore a skirt to work!!  Gasp!  Prior to PM, I worked as a teller at a bank, and I actually wore a skirt all the time there.  I've always really enjoyed dressing up.  But, when I started at PM, one of the first things I noticed was that no one wore skirts, ever.  I would wear them occasionally my first few months because I had them in the closet, but I always felt weird about it, wearing a skirt made you stand out.  I've never had the desire to stand out, so I quickly stashed the skirts away and embraced the pants only wardrobe (except in the summer on the weekends, I still wear summery skirts on my free time!).  Pants quickly became normal to me, and I haven't really thought about it much sense.  

But, last year, PM changed their dress code, ladies could now wear skirts without nylons!!  GASP!  Not only that, but we could wear open toed shoes!!!  In the conservative accounting world, these are bold moves.  From what I could tell, not too many people made many changes last year.  But this year, this year is different!  I've seen open toed shoes all spring!  And skirts, I've seen skirts!  I'm beyond excited about this, wearing a skirt makes me feel so much more feminine and sexy (not sure if it's important to feel sexy at work, but hey, if it increases productivity, I say go for it!).  Since I'm not one to be left behind, today I dug out a skirt, skipped the nylons, and wore open toed shoes (hey, if you're going to do it, might as well go all out!).  It was awesome.  I'm so excited to see if I have any old clothes stashed away that I can wear again, OR, I may just have to go shopping!  I'm always looking at magazines, and when I get to those articles where they give you fashion advice on how to turn one outfit into 5, or how to turn a daytime outfit into a nighttime one, I usually just sigh and think that I can't wear stuff like that to work.  Not anymore!  Time to start wearing girly things to work again.  Yay!

What type of clothing do you wish you could wear again?

FYI - in case anyone is wondering, the flowers in the background of the picture are my Mother's Day present from Mary.  It's a card board box, with fake dollar store flowers in it.  Love her!

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