Sunday, May 6, 2012

Selecto Cafe Molido Espresso

Sarah says:

This is coffee that my Dad picked up for me when he took a mission trip to Nicaragua.  It’s stronger than my regular Folgers, but I just add a little extra cream and it’s totally delicious.  Of course that extra cream throws off my calories for the day, but it’s worth it for coffee.  

Overall rating:  Thumbs up

I’m addicted to coffee and I don’t try to hide it.  I'm not a coffee snob, I'll drink any kind.  If I had my choice, I'd drink Dunkin Donuts coffee all the time, but it's pricey, so I usually just get Folgers.  I don't really like Starbucks coffee (except for the Holiday Blend), but I love their specialty drinks!  My absolute best best cup of coffee is when Jon makes it for me.  He has more patience than me, so he really measures it all out to get the right water to coffee ratio.  I make it at 5:30 am, half asleep, so I just throw water and coffee into the machine and hope for the best!  I ALWAYS add cream, no sugar.  I'm fairly frugal most of the time, but my coffee cream is the one thing that I really treat myself to.  I only use real cream, none of that powdered crap.  It's oh so yummy. 

My typical "coffee in hand" pose
I drink coffee daily, a minimum of 2 cups (my tops has been 8 cups in one day, but those days are usually because of some stressful period in life, and I find it best not to remember them).  I used to try to give it up on the weekends, but would always end up with headaches.  I’d rather not spend my weekend feeling crappy, so now I drink it 365 days a year.  And I love it.  I also try to limit it to just in the morning, and I do pretty good most of the time.  I do find myself in a vicious circle sometimes.  I don’t sleep well when I’m stressed out, so I’ll drink coffee in the afternoon the next day to get me through, which probably causes me not to sleep well the next night, which causes me to need coffee again in the afternoon, etc.  Once I start drinking it during the day, it’s a hard habit to break.  But eventually I get there and just drink in the mornings again.

Coffee is one of the few things I’m really addicted to.  (Facebook, ice cream, and counting calories are others, but those are topics for other posts!).  I drink it to wake me up in the morning, I drink it when I’m stressed, I drink it when I'm cold, I drink it as a comfort food, I drink it as a reward, I drink it to keep me functioning normal.  I’m quiet and cranky in the morning before I get my first cup of coffee.  If something goes wrong with my morning routine and I don’t get my coffee, oh Lord, help those that get in my path.  I’m not happy without my coffee.  My whole day just gets off.  Plus, there’s that whole, coffee keeps my body regular, if you know what I mean!  I’ve already had 2 cups today, so I’m in a good mood and can make jokes like that.

Typing all of this makes me realize it’s a little sad to rely so heavily on a liquid beverage to keep my whole world functioning normally.  Maybe that’s why it’s an addiction, it doesn’t always make sense why we need something, we just do.  I suppose there are worse things that I could be addicted to.  If caffeine is my biggest problem, I’ve got it pretty good.  WebMD says 68% of people are addicted to caffeine.  Guess I'm a part of the majority.  It also says "Studies show caffeine can improve memory, decrease fatigue, and improve mental functioning".  Sounds like a good thing to me!  Ok, that is probably a clear sign of an addiction, convincing myself that I'm actually doing a good thing.  Maybe as my kids get a little older I'll work harder at giving it up, but for now I'm going to stick with my 2 cups a day.

What’s your addiction?

Typing all this about coffee, makes me want more coffee.  Should I go for three cups today?  Do I need it, probably not.  Do I want it, yes please!


  1. I am with you ALTHOUGH I AM a coffee snob! No Folgers for me (wait - my S-I-L uses this), and definitely half-n-half. When I have blood work or something to do, I bring my coffee with me to the appointment. Coffee is my most favorite liquid.

  2. To note: YOU must get a coffee pot where you put the whole beans in the top and when it goes off, it grinds them automatically for your morning coffee. I have a hard time doing the drip coffee...
