Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Red Bicyclette Pinot Noir Part II

Sarah says:

See, I told you I was too frugal to waste this wine, even if I can't stand it.  I'm slowing cringing my way through this bottle.  I keep hoping it gets better, but it hasn't yet.  It really bothers me that I don't like red wine.  I want to like it!  I feel like white wine is for pansies, red wine is for real wine drinkers.  

Wanna know what bothers me more than this wine?  Typos.  I was re-reading a few of the previous blogs I've posted, and they are full of typos!  Why didn't anyone tell me?!  The really bad part is that I read these things 4 times before I post them, specifically looking for errors.  This is why I picked a career in numbers, words just baffle me.  I apologize to all of you who had to suffer through those posts, I'm embarrassed.  I'm really going to try harder to proof read these things. 

Typos always bother me.  When I see them in emails, newspapers, and sometimes even books, I just shake my head and mentally correct them.  Although I will probably still be annoyed by them, I might be more understanding of them since I'm clearly not perfect (gasp!).  I do, however, think a typo is a lot easier to forgive in a little blog than it is in something that's professionally published.  Or, maybe I'm just trying to make myself feel better for all my mistakes!  It's possible that typing a blog while drinking wine isn't the greatest idea after all!

What's the one thing you try and try to get right, and still make mistakes?

1 comment:

  1. It drives me crazy when I go into a room looking for something, then I get distracted by something else and 5 minutes later realize I never got what I went in there for the first time. Sometimes it takes me 2 or 3 times to actually get what I am going for. I am really distracted. It sucks. I can't tell you how many times I turn around after I've pulled out of the driveway & I'm half way down the road & realize I've forgotten something. I've even had to go back home TWICE in 5 minutes because I've forgotten more than one thing. This is not brain has become so fragmented since I've become a full-time working mommy....I try so hard to be focused, but I'm failing miserably at it.
