Sunday, May 13, 2012

Various Chicago Drinks

Here's what we are drinking:

Sarah:  Gallo White Zinfandel
Stephanie:  Stloi Squeeze
Amanda & Julie:  Buttery Nipples

Sarah says:

See, this is why I drink wine!  No crazy names.  I'm too old for that nonsense.  I love this wine!  A simple, basic, pink wine.  It's tasty and easy to drink.  This is the perfect, newbie wine drinker, type of wine.

Speaking of love, I love this annual girls weekend!  I'm so happy to be here right now.  These ladies I've known since 4th grade!  It's the best, I don't have to wear any make up around them.  They don't care about what I wear.  I don't have to worry about saying something stupid, because they love me anyway.  I can totally just be myself.  We talk and talk and talk, and laugh a ton.  I really look forward to it all.  Along with all of that, it gives me a break from my kiddos.  I love them dearly, but every Mom needs a break.  I think it's important to get away from all the crazy kid stuff to spend some adult time with other women who totally relate to me.  It's refreshing.  Know what else is refreshing, this yummy wine!! 

Overall rating:  Thumbs up.

I wrote that part above in Chicago - the rest below is written after getting home.

When most people hear that I'm going to Chicago for a girls weekend, I'm sure they assume we do a lot of shopping and going to bars.  If you want to continue to think that - don't read any further.  This blog will be highly disappointing to you.  We was probably the lamest Chicago trip ever - yet it was perfect.  We've done Chicago 4 maybe 5 times ( I can't remember how many, I'm getting old ), which means, we've done the shopping, we've done the tourist stuff, we've done the bars, we've done the pizza and the hot dogs, we've even stayed in a crazy expensive hotel just to get the experience once.  This weekend was about relaxing and getting away from the ho-hum of life.

(Pre) Chocolate Covered Yum
We met up Friday evening at Julie's apartment.  Her husband made us dinner, while we watched Limitless (ie. ogled Bradley Cooper for a few hours).  Then we made the drinks above and watched Bridesmaids (ie. laughed and laughed).  Then we went to sleep.  Yup, crazy Friday night in Chicago.  Saturday, we literally sat around for 5 hours, then went and walked around Pier One for a little bit, before ending up in a movie theater and watched the 5-year Engagement (because no girls weekend is complete with out a good romantic comedy).  Yup, 3 movies in less than 24 hours.  We finally went downtown Saturday night to go to Geja's for fondue.  This was quite challenging for me because our reservation was for 10:00 pm, which is way past my bedtime, and after the crazy day we had, I was exhausted!  But, for chocolate covered stuff, I managed to stay away.  Seriously, is there anything more delicious than chocolate covered fruit, pound cake, and rice krispie treats?!   It was amazing.  I also drank a Passion-tini.  I wish I would have paid more attention to what was in this, because it was also amazing!  Again, totally worth staying up past my bedtime.  Then we went back to Stephanie's and went to bed.  The next morning, we had breakfast and it was time to go home.  Don't worry ladies, I have every intention of writing another blog about the amazing food that was home cooked for us!

I had a brief moment of non-laziness, I used Julie's apartment fitness center Saturday morning to do some running.  I wasn't comfortable running on the streets of an unfamiliar area, so instead opted to use the treadmill.  This was my first treadmill experience, and I wasn't really looking forward to it.  I always had the impression running on a treadmill would feel like being a hamster in a ball.  Um, I was wrong, I really liked it!  I wouldn't say I'm going to go get myself a treadmill now, but I won't be as judgmental if people tell me they use them.  I REALLY liked knowing the pace I was going at, and having that pace regulated for me.  I think half the reason I get tired sooner on some runs is because I'm going way too fast. Maybe I should get a Garmin (hint hint, my birthday is in a month in case anyone needs some ideas!).  I usually run a half hour, tops.  But, the regulated speed, plus the fact that I didn't have to hurry home for the kids, meant I could go a little longer.  So, I was jamming away listening to Matt Maher's "Christ is Risen" (yup, I run to Christian music.  I challenge you to find sometime more uplifting when you find yourself in need of a push.... thought so), and I looked down and noticed I had been running for an hour!  A whole hour!  I never ran that long in my life, I felt awesome.  (My legs the next day didn't feel so awesome, but at that moment, it was great!)  Another reason I liked using the treadmill, there was a mirror right next to me.  Looking over and watching myself kind of forced me to stand up a little straighter and go a little faster, who wants to watch themselves looking all sad and lame.  Here's the moral of the story, don't be afraid to try new things.  I'm so glad I ran on that treadmill, I now know that I am capable of so much more.

Overall, it was the best Chicago weekend ever!  Mostly relaxing, just time spent with 4 friends that I don't get enough time to see anymore.  It's always good to come home, but the reality really set in when I was taking a shower and my 5 year old barged in because he had to go potty.  Happy Mother's Day to me.

What to do you do when you get time away?


  1. I don't think I've had time away since I became a parent 3 years ago- I really, really, really, REALLY need some :/

  2. Sarah! That makes me sad to hear - come to MI and we'll sit around and watch movies. Every Mommy deserves a break sometimes!

  3. I will definitely watch movies with you when we move back to MI :) I look forward to it!
