Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Groote Kaap

Description on the bottle:  NONE

Sarah says:  The lack of description on some of these wine club bottles continues to make me crazy.  Luckily, I only have a couple more bottles before I get to go back to picking out my own wine!  The only glimmer of information provided on this bottle is that this wine is from South Africa.  I didn't even know South Africa had good land for wine producing!  Apparently they do, this Cabernet Sauvignon is pretty yummy.  I drank it last night (New Years Eve) while hanging out with some friends and eating a load of bad food.  This wine pairs nicely with pizza, sour patch kids, and rice chex puppy chow.

Overall rating:  Thumbs mid way up.

Sarah says:  Speaking of New Years, it's that time of year, resolution time!  The time of year where everyone is bound and determined to change some part of their life for the better, and works really hard at it for about 5 weeks, then forgets it ever happened.  Jon doesn't even bother with them because he thinks it a waste to bother with it when he knows he won't finish it.  I like to argue that it's better to do something good for a few weeks rather than not have tried at all.  I think it's comparable to the saying "It's better to have loved and lost, than not have loved at all."  True, most resolutions don't stick, but they certainly won't work if you don't even try starting them.  Oh well, boo on him.  I will continue to make and break my resolutions!

I would like to try something a bit different this year.  Instead of setting vague resolutions, such as I'd like to get more healthy, and I want to save money better, I'm going to try setting specific goals at the 1st of each month.  Something that is more measurable and can be adjusted as I discover what is working and what isn't.  So with that, my January 1 resolution/goals, are that I would like to loose the 5 lbs of holiday weight I put on, and I would like to put an additional $50 into my savings account.  In the past I've come up with really long lists, but I have found that it's too overwhelming for me.  I'm going to stick to a few each month, and I can add different themes in as the timing is appropriate.

There you have it folks... to be continued Feb 1.  What are your resolutions?

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