Friday, January 24, 2014

Sweet Bliss

Description on the bottle:  The best word to describe this wine is YUMMMMMM.  The aromas are a heavenly blend of ripe red fruit and subtle toasted oak with deep cherry flavors and a velvety chocolate mouthfeel.  The wine is outrageous with barbecued ribs and spicy dishes.  For the ultimate indulgence, pair with chocolate cake, cheesecake or cobblers.  Our pour on its own as a divine aperitif.  After all, everyone deserves a little Sweet Bliss.

Sarah says:  I couldn't agree more with this bottle.  YUMMMMMM is the best way to describe this wine.  It's so freaking delicious.  It's smooth, it's sweet, it's chocolaty and fruity, it's so good.  I found this bottle in the 1/2 off bin at Wine Palace and now I want to go back and buy the rest of them!  I can't believe it was in the 1/2 off bin!  Usually grabbing something out of there can be a little risky, but this one is totally working for me.  It's the perfect ending to a Friday night.

Overall rating:  Two thumbs up, I'd give it more if I had more hands!

Sarah says:  This day was just flat out awesome.  This wine really was the perfect ending.  It started with being woken up by my alarm clock, not kids or cats!!!  That is pretty rare for me, and I love it when it happens.  Then I finished my goal for the week at work around 11:00, which means I get to enjoy this weekend without an unfinished workpaper hanging over my head.  Then, I went to Rice Bowl, one of my favorite places to eat, with Wendy, one of my favorite people, for lunch!!  During our Detroit days, we were there at a minimum of once a week, but it's been a good couple of years, and we were needing it.  It was oh so delicious, Rice Bowl never disappoints!  Then I came home to discover our new mattress has been delivered, and Jon had the bed all made up, waiting for me to get in my jammies and crawl in.

I can barely express my excitement for this mattress.  It's a little odd, since I don't do a lot of sleeping, but I'm hoping this new mattress might change some of that.  The mattress we've been sleeping on was... well... old.  I got it in high school.  Total side note here, and I love my Dad, so don't take this the wrong way... my parents separated and divorced while I was in high school.  Somewhere in the midst of that drama, I went shopping with my Dad, and somehow upgraded from an old twin bed to a brand new fancy queen bed.  I'm pretty sure it was some sort of "I know the life as you know it is over, but I still love you, let me prove it to you" type purchase, but I'm not complaining, I totally took advantage of it.  I loved that bed.  But, it had a good run, and it was way overdue for a new mattress.  So off Jon and I went, to the mattress stores.

Let me tell you a thing or two about mattress shopping.  Sales people are annoying.  We did the Art Van thing, where they put you on a bed machine to find the perfect bed.  The guy looked at Jon and mines report and was like "Uh, you guys have really different bodies".  Really, guy?  We sort of already knew that.  I'm pretty sure there is no mattress that meets both our needs, so he was just aimlessly walking around with us, not being very helpful, but pressuring us to purchase something quickly.  We got out of there.  We tried some other places too, Sears, ABC Warehouse... nothing bad to say there, nothing great either.  We ended up at Value City Furniture... not my first choice, but the selection was good, the prices were right, and the saleslady was awesome.  

So, the new bed is ready and waiting, Havanah has tested it out, and it's calling my name.  Wish me luck for a good night of sleep!  To celebrate, I will drink another glass of this amazing delicious wine! 

What has you excited these days?

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