Monday, September 3, 2012

Turning Leaf Pinot Grigio

Description on the bottle:  As you uncork this bottle of our Pinot Grigio, we invite you to enjoy the aromas of ripe apples and lingering hints of pear in this Turning Leaf Pinot Grigio.

Sarah says:  Yummy yum yummo!  This is freaking delicious.  I might go as far as saying I have a new favorite wine!  I've mentioned plenty of times before that I prefer white wine over red, so I'm no stranger to Pinot Grigio.  But I've never had this particular winery before tonight and I'm absolutely loving it!  I had intended to drink one glass (to ease the night before school jitters), but I'm headed into glass 3.  It's everything I love about a wine, tastes delicious, fruity, sweet but not to sweet, leaves a clean taste in my mouth, not a dry one, and is easy to drink.   After some of the wine experimenting I've done lately, I really needed a good familiar wine, and this is exceeding all my expectations.  I will definitely purchase this again, and I will probably put in on my "get this wine when we have company" list.

Overall rating:  2 Thumbs Up!

Sarah says:  I can't believe it's September!  While the leaves aren't officially changing to fall colors yet, one of Liam's new friends declared today that it's fall now.  Summer is over, and his family celebrates the beginning of fall by eating caramel apples the night before school starts.  (Thanks kid, now I really want a caramel apple!)  But the reality is, things are changing.  Liam, my sweet baby boy, is no longer a baby.  He starts Kindergarten tomorrow!  KINDERGARTEN!!!!  What?!   How did that even happen.  I apologize in advance to anyone who sees me tomorrow, or at all this week for that matter, the probability of me randomly bursting into tears is high.

That kid is going to Kindergarten?!
What it is about Kindergarten?  He's been in pre-school for 2 years, and daycare before that, so it's not like being away from home is going to be a change for him.  Kindergarten just sounds so... mature.  It's real school.  Less playtime, more learning.  Mingling with the bigger kids.  Being in a class of 21 - instead of 16.  Calling your teachers Mrs. SoAndSo instead of Miss FirstName.  Taking your lunch instead of having it provided, which means having to be able to open all of the packages that were packed.  But for me, the ultimate terror, is riding the bus.  Liam will be a buser (I don't think that's actually a word, but when I was in school that's what we called them.  There were the walkers and the busers).  You expect me to put my 5 year old on a bus, full of kids that range in age from 5-10, without me?!  Ahhhh!!!  I might lose my mind.  Yes, I will probably be the parent that follows the bus on the first day to make sure Liam gets there safely.  I'm assuming like everything else, it will just take some time to get used to - I hope that happens sooner, rather than later.  I'm not sure how long I can take this going crazy feeling. 

We've done everything we're supposed to do before starting school.  Talked about the school, went to the open house, met the teacher, saw the key rooms - the classroom, the cafeteria, the gym, the music room, the library, and of course, the playground.  Practiced eating lunch, talked about making new friends, talked about the change in routine, talked about asking for help, picked out the first day of school outfit, practiced counting, practiced writing his name, etc etc.  And yet, I feel that he is totally unprepared.  Maybe I want him to be my baby just a little longer, but I don't want him to go!!  I'm so terrified that he's not going to fit in, or it's going to be too much change too fast, or he won't make new friends, or he won't learn fast enough, or be too shy to ask for help at lunch time if he can't get his juice box open, and he's going to die of dehydration!  Ok, maybe that is taking it a bit too far, but still, I'm worried.  I was really hoping we'd get a chance to meet a few people before starting school, but everyone we've met is in a different grade.  I feel like Liam is going to be completely alone and baffled at this new school.  

I'm jealous of Jon, he gets to go to Kindergarten the first day for the first 1 1/2 hours with him.  I so want to be there!! But, new job, have to be responsible.  Plus, Jon is available, there is really no need to have both of us there.  But, I've stressed to Jon, that he needs to make an effort to meet some parents during that time so we can make some friends.  I hope it goes well for them!  Since tomorrow is a half day, I'm going to meet them for lunch - I can't wait to hear all about it!  

On a great note - I might have happened to meet a particular important someone at our pool today who happens to live in the same apartment complex.  The principal!  I take comfort in knowing that the principal now knows who Liam is and where he lives.  Sure, she met me with hair that was soaking wet, in a bathing suit, with no make up on - but it's the day before Kindergarten starts - the principal wasn't spending it freaking out - she was spending it swimming with her curly haired, two year old daughter.  Love it and love her.

Ok... it's just like I keep telling Liam, take a deep breath, speak clearly and calmly, it's going to be a great day.

OH MY GOD!  No it's not - my baby is going to school!!!  I need more wine to get me through this. 


  1. ....and I am the person that hangs out in the Kindergarten classrooms while the parents are there watching them do exactly what you are talking about!!! The 'seasoned parents' (with older children) smile, walk out, hit a high five with someone and drink their Starbucks. It just is so tough...this parent thing. Just wait for the art projects and book fair and lost tooth at school - oh, wait!!! I just did NOT say that!!! Good luck, Mommy. It is an exciting time. Just be excited FOR Liam.

  2. What? Jon gets to be there for an hour and a half and it's a half day? That's crazy! When Grace went to Kindergarten, it was a full day and all the parents had to say good bye outside of the classroom door! Tomorrow is the first day of 1st grade and it's a full day as well!

  3. Anyway, calm down. If you are calm, Liam will be calm. Kindergarten is exciting!
