Saturday, September 29, 2012

Lemon Creek Part IIII

Sarah says:  Although I'm eager to get into the next bottle of wine, I'm going to miss this one.  I'm savoring every last sip tonight because I know it's going to be the last one of this kind for awhile.  I would definitely get it again though!  

So, a few days ago I was encouraged to watch a Ricki Lake episode "The Business of Being Born".  So, I did.  It really doesn't take much to convince me to give something a try.  Apparently, Ricki Lake created an entire movie called "The Business of Being Born", and the theme of that movie was to educate women about their child birthing options - without having seen the movie, I get the impression from the talk show that the movie really centers around promoting at home births.  

I'm torn about what to think about all this.  I am exactly the type of woman who drives them nuts.  My birth plan research took all of 20 seconds.  Dr. (the same OB I've had forever) to me "I deliver at Huron Valley Hospital" Me "Ok".  End of research.  I asked for drugs early on, and was given them.  I was told I needed an emergency C-section - I didn't question it.  When I became pregnant with Mary I was told it would be easiest to have another C - I didn't question it.  

Ricki and the other doctors in this movie/talk show can't stand stories like that.  They wonder was a C-section really necessary the first time.  They would argue that someone should have tried to get a better guesstimate of Liam's weight before he become too big for me to deliver.  They would argue that I could have easily delivered Mary - I was young and low risk - it wasn't necessarily a definite that I wouldn't be able to deliver her.  Here's the thing that will also drive all of them crazy... it doesn't matter to me at all.  I have no issues with the fact that I wasn't able to deliver either of my kids the "natural way".  I have no issues with having had 2 C-sections.  In fact, I love that Mary was born that way - it was awesome to know exactly when I was having her - I'm a woman with a schedule - and her birthday was on my calendar months in advance - I loved that.  I love that I got to avoid that awful labor stuff the second time around.  I recovered easily both times - I got 2 extra weeks of Short Term Disability pay because of it - I love that I didn't have loads of doctors with their heads between my legs.  

I honestly don't really get it all.  Having a baby is a pretty personal thing - so why are we so judgmental when someone says they are having a home birth?  If that is what you want - go for it!  If you want a hospital delivery - go for it!  Why should anyone else care that I had C-sections?   If I'm ok with it - that's all that matters.  The scars really aren't that bad - I'll even show them to you if you ask.  Why are we always asking people what hospital they are going to - or how long they waited for their epidural.  I can't tell you how often I hear people talk about "those crazy people that did it without any drugs".  Who freaking cares?!  What matters is, at the end of the day, did we all end up with beautiful, healthy kids?  Yup.  Then whatever the delivery method, I'd call it a success. 

Speaking of success - it's  9:45 and I have successfully gotten 4 kids to sleep.  I'm babysitting my 2 nieces and am convinced now more than ever that I don't need anymore kids.  More than 2 is a lot of work!  Thank god I have my wine to get me through it!  :-)

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't change my story. Although after 27 hours and no drugs I appreciated the last minute epidural. But because of a 27 hour labor which included needing oxygen for my poor distressed baby I did not get to hold Shayna for 2+ days. :(. Still it was quite the story. Mine.
