Friday, August 2, 2013

Flip Flop Chardonnay

Description on the bottle:  Medium-bodied, rich Chardonnay with pineapple, soft vanilla and a long lingering finish.  Creamy, toasted oak notes pair well with wood-fired Neapolitan pizza, mac & cheese or chicken Caesar salad.  Serve chilled now or store away from direct sunlight for up to 1 year after purchase. 
Sarah says:  Two of the same brand?  They must have been having a "Two For" deal.  Unlike the last Flip Flop wine, I actually like this one!  I can totally taste that pineapple flavor, but it's not so strong that it overpowers the wine and makes it too fruity.  It tastes kind of cheap, so I probably wouldn't serve it at a party, but it totally perfect for relaxing on a Friday night at home.
Overall rating:  Thumbs mostly up.
Sarah says:  Speaking of flip flops, they are my most favorite of shoes.  Comfortable, easy to put on/take off with arms full of stuff and kids, casual or classy depending on style, and pretty much don't go out of style from summer to summer.  Flip flops aren't my only favorites, I love lots of shoes.  I currently have 30 shoes, but I've had upwards in the 50 range during some points in my life.  I now have a rule that when a new pair comes in, an old pair has to go out.  I stick to that rule about 60% of the time. 
My second favorite type of shoes... running shoes.  Good for those long days on your feet.  Sandals and heels are cute and awesome looking, but sometimes you need the support that running shoes offer.  Speaking of running, I just signed up for my umpteenth 5K, except this one is awesome because it's at a winery!!  I know 5K's are lame for some people, it's the shortest race you can run, but for me it's still a big deal.  Anyways, I've been thinking about my running goal.  When I first started these things a few years ago, my goal was simply to finish the race.  Now that I've done it a few times, simply finishing doesn't really seem that challenging enough.  There is no question that I will finish.  Since I don't have the time to commit to increasing my distance, my only other option is to increase speed.  My average speed is a 10 min mile, and my current 5K personal record is a pace 9:29... my goal is to get that pace under 9:00 for this race.  Not an unrealistic goal, but it will require me to step it up a bit.  I have two months to get ready for it.  I also need to prepare for running on the grass, through what might be a bumpy trail.  It's through grape vines after all!  I generally run on pavement or gravel. 

Tonight I raise my glass to 5K training!

FYI, here's the link to the winery 5K, free glass of wine at the end!

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