Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Flip Flop Cabernet Sauvignon

Description on the bottle:  Full bodied, rich Cabernet Sauvignon with blackberry fruit, dark cherries, and a long lingering finish.  Black pepper notes and berry aromas pair well with New York strip steak, spinach ravioli or Portobello mushrooms.  Serve at room temperature now or store away from direct sunlight for up to 3 years after purchase.
Sarah says:  On no, bad memories of bad cheap red wine and rushing back at me.  It's so horrible.  Blah, cough, gag.  I can't barely drink it.  The sticker on the bottle says it won the Gold at the 2011 Florida State Fair International Wine Competition.  I don't believe that is possible, it's just not tasty at all.  I would not recommend this, with or without food, it's just not worth it.
jon says: definitely not good, but also not the worst. I would drink it again, but I certainly wouldn't buy it again.
Overall rating:  Thumbs down.
Sarah says:  Other things I wouldn't recommend?  Going up north without mentally preparing for it.  Don't get me wrong, I had a lovely time at the cabin with my family, but I'm a city girl, and it was hard being in the boonies.  First of all, no computer... I seriously want a t-shirt that says "I survived 24 hours without Facebook".  It's a miracle I survived.  All weekend long, I was constantly thinking to myself, "oh, that would have made a funny status." or "I wish I could post that!".  It was bothersome that I couldn't post my daily activities online immediately (I realize that that is probably a sign that I have a problem, but that's not what this post is about).  Also, I understand that the point of vacations is to slow down and relax, but I'm made for the fast pace world that I live in.  I constantly was asking "What is taking so long?" while waiting at restaurants.  I understand that people up north aren't in as big of a hurry, and that should be appealing, but when there are two small kids in tow, speed is everything.
I'm not saying I wouldn't go up north again, I would, but I'd prepare for it better.  Probably by drinking more wine to calm me down (but not this wine, something better!)  The good news, the kids loved every second of it, and that really is all that matters.

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