Sunday, July 21, 2013

Honeywood Honeysuckle Peach

Description on the bottle:  Honeysuckle Peach: a delicious wine produced from top quality peach, honey, nutmeg, cinnamon and cloves added to a fresh, crisp, white table wine.  An extremely complex wine, it all comes together in balance and quality that is unsurpassed.  Enjoy as an aperitif before dinner, or after dinner with dessert.  This is a versatile wine and can be served hot as well as cold.
Sarah says:  I'm really not sure how I feel about this wine.  It's good, but it's so strange.  It peach and honey flavors are really strong, which make me feel like I'm not even drinking wine, it's more like a cocktail.  I really feel that I'm drinking it in the wrong season, it would be a good winter wine.  I thought the peach sounded summery, but the honey and the subtle spices, make me feel like it would be a good "warm the body" kind of drink. 
Overall rating:  Unsure thumbs, will need to try again!
Sarah says:  This bottle also presented me with a little bit of a challenge.  For the first time ever, I broke the cork opening the bottle.  I'm hanging my head in shame right now, I've failed as a wine lover.  Half the cork was in my hand, half the cork was still stuck in the bottle.  I've recently just learned that wine should be kept on its side to keep the cork moist.  I broke that rule by having the bottle standing up.  I paid the price and shall never disobey again.  As a side note, I'm collecting all my corks in a jar (which smells SOOOO  FREAKING STRONG, I'm blown away every time I open the jar to add more).  I have no idea what I'm going to do with those, if anyone has any creative ideas, I'm all ears!  And, yes, I kept both pieces of my broken cork.  I could come in handy, you never know!

Speaking of breaking rules, I let Mary break one today.  Don't tell Jon, because he'll freak out!  Today I let little Mary, 4 year old Mary, teeny tiny Mary... jump into the deep end of the pool, without floaties on, without anyone in there to catch her.  Mary is still in the lowest level swimming class, which leads me to believe she shouldn't be doing that.  Mary is two years younger than Liam, and he just started doing it 1 month ago, which leads me to believe she shouldn't be doing that.  The deep end is where the older "cool" kids hang out, which leads me to believe she should be doing that.  BUT - tell Mary she can't do something, and she's going to figure how to do it. 
Over the past several weeks Mary has displayed great interest in swimming independently, and we've been letting her give it a go in the shallow end.  But we made it quite clear that there was no deep end for her yet.  But, after watching her for the past several weekends, my confidence has increased.  So, today, I let her show me what she was made of.  And she's made of a lot!  I'm so impressed and proud of her.  My four year old can swim!!  She's totally moving up to the next swim lesson level this fall.  I picked today for a few reasons: 1) Jon wasn't around, I knew he totally wouldn't go for it (I'm the cool parent like that).  2) Because of the crazy hot weather we've been having, our pool is actually a reasonable temperature, so I was willing to jump in if I needed to.  3) She was really begging, and just being so freaking cute about it, I couldn't say no. 
She spent the whole rest of the afternoon swimming all over that pool!  She's amazing.  I can't believe a few weeks ago she was in wings, and last month both kids were!!  I don't have a picture, because as amazed as I was with her, and as confident as I am now... my eyes were glued on that pool the entire time.  I wasn't about to take my eyes off her to find the camera.  I'm crazy enough to let her swim, not crazy enough to let her drown. 
When was the last time you broke the rules?  How did it turn out?  This wine broke all the rules, the peach, the honey, what is this?!  It's growing on me though, glass # 2, here we go....

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