Sunday, January 6, 2013

Landshut Sweet Red

Description on the bottle:  This exquisite, well-balanced red wine has a fruity bouquet with flavors of plum and rasberry.  Perfect accompanient to desserts, spicy dishes or simply enjoy on its own.  Serve slightly chilled.

Sarah says:  This is embarassing.  I'm pretty sure someone gave me this bottle, probably over the holidays, but I've been sitting here racking my brain and I can't remember who.  I like to give credit where credit is due, and I just can't do it tonight.  I apoligize over and over again, I'm sorry.  Things got so crazy over the past month or so that I just cannot remember.  Whoever you are, thank you for this bottle!  It's delicious.  I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about a sweet red wine, I've determined over the past months that I prefer semi-dry wines, sweet just isn't my thing.  But there is something about this wine that is delicious, I'm really enjoying drinking it!  I think I can really taste the plum, it's unique and yummy.  I would definately drink this again.

jon says: the title alone gave me hope that this would be a wine that we both could enjoy, and it was. this wine is sweet but not so sweet that you will instantly go into a sugar coma. it has a very pleasent taste and isn't overpowering. i hope that when we get around finishing off this bottle it will taste as good as it did the first time.

Sarah says:  Hopefully we'll get around to finishing it in the next couple of days!

Overall rating:  Thumbs up!

Sarah says:  The past month has been a little crazy, between the holidays and my mental meltdown... wait, what?  Yup, I said it... mental meltdown.  I've mentioned here and here that Jon and I work opposite schedules.  And while that well worked for us at one point, I've been fairly miserable with it for the past several years.  Back before the move out of the house, I was looking forward to new jobs happening, and schedules changing.  But, as that has yet to happen, I've been getting more and more discouraged about ever having the "normal" family life that I so want for our kids.  So, I broke down.  I'll spare you those details, lets just say there were tears, screaming, and long sleepless nights spent talking.  So, we've made a change.  Tonight marks the first night in a new life for us, Jon is home tonight, and it's not just that he happens to be off work .... we've decided that Jon will become a stay at home husband.  Mary will be spending her days at home with Jon, instead of going to daycare.  Jon will do the grocery shopping and cleaning during the days.  I'll work.  We'll have family dinner time every single night.  We'll spend evenings together, every single night.  We'll spend weekends together, every single weekend.  We'll spend mornings together, every single morning.  Our time will be spent doing fun family things, instead of catching up on chores and sleep.

I'm thrilled about this.  Time has always been our biggest challenge, and we are finally going to have it!  I can't wait for the kids to understand what it means to be a family, instead of always being with one parent or the other, but very rarely both.  After 7 years of marriage, I'll get to go to bed with my husband everynight instead of alone.  I'm also terrified, we are so used to spending the majority of our time apart, what if we can't actually handle seeing each other all the time?  What if we get on each others nerves?  I'm used to sleeping alone, so I sleep best that way... what if I can't get used to sleeping with Jon?  What if Mary suffers from the lack of social interaction?  What if we can't balance our budget on one income?  What if Jon hates staying at home?  We have such different parenting styles, which has never mattered much, it was always one way or the other depening who was on duty, what if we cannot mix our two styles together?  I'm nervous, there are alot of unknowns. 

It's something new, and new things are always scary.  But, the good news is, we've still got each other.  We're both putting a lot of hope, effort, and love into this working.  We want this to work.  We're both giving it all we've got.  And that, is better than this amazing bottle of wine.

jon says: "new things are always scary" wow you sound like an old person trying to use a cell phone for the first time. new isn't always bad. failure to act, to try, to live is sad. i want to do and be the best i can for my wife and my kids. if it doesn't work it will not be because we didn't try.

"Don't fear failure so much that you refuse to try new things. The saddest summary of a life contains three descriptions: could have, might have, and should have. "  Louis E. Boone

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