Monday, October 15, 2012

Simply Pink Part III

Sarah says:  A good wine for a good cause - that's extra yummy!

Lately I've been struggling between letting Liam be the kid he's going to be - kind of nerdy, weak, quiet and timid.  Versus being a MAN!  I tell him all the time to man it up, and that he needs to be stronger.  I don't intend to be that Mom - I'd like to think I'm the Mom that just encourages him to be himself - but then I find myself saying these comments about what boys are and are not allowed to like - and as much as I hate the words coming out of my mouth - I can't seem to stop them!  

The color pink is one of those ever popular struggles.  If I'm handing out candy, or stickers, or straws, or anything where I let the kids pick their color - I have a hard time when Liam chooses pink or purple.  I don't think Liam has picked a favorite color yet - he chooses different anytime I ask him.  So, it's not like he favors the "girly" colors - but occasionally he'll be into them.  Again, I don't want to be like this, but I'll find myself saying "No, you don't want that pink one, you want blue" right after Liam clearly told me he wanted the pink one.  I realize that I'm doing more harm than good.  Sure every Mom wants their boy to be a BOY - but by discouraging him against the pink sticker I'm not turning him into a boy, what I'm really saying is: what you want doesn't matter, your opinion doesn't count, only mine does, I win.  I hate that.  I hate that I'm being this awful, stereotypical, negative Mom - but seriously, I just can't seem to help it!

In all fairness - Liam loves boy stuff!  He loves superheros, G.I. Joes, fighting, vehicles, etc.  He also enjoys a good tea party, dressing up, and things that sparkle.  How do you just let your kids be... when you want them to be something else??

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