Friday, February 21, 2014

Clayhouse Wines Adobe Red

Description on the bottle:  The Adobe Red is a blend created for that rebellious, hedonistic red wine lover inside of you, rustic like that adobe but refined with sensuous dark fruit flavors.   

Sarah says:  A wine called Clayhouse?!  We pretty much had to buy it, and I'm pretty sure I'll buy it again.  It seems only fitting that the Clay household keep a bottle, or two, or several of Clayhouse on hand at all times!  The wine store only had this version of the Clayhouse wines, but he said he'd order some other types to have on hand for me.  I can't wait to go see what our options are!  As for the taste?  It's decent.  I enjoyed this more yesterday after eating a few girl scout cookies (and after the events that I'm about to tell you about), it completed my late night snack perfectly.  Tonight, I'm following a chicken curry dinner, not quite as fitting.  It's not as smooth as I would prefer, but it's still totally drinkable!

Overall rating:  If for no other reason, it gets a thumbs up for the name!

Sarah says:  Speaking of rebellion... I did something last night, which has caused many Mom's to do a little double take.  I've been told I'm crazy for wanting to do this a lot, but I totally stand by my decision, and don't regret a second of it.  Mary decided for her 5th birthday present, she wanted to get her ears pierced. That's not the crazy part, it's where I took her to get the piercing done which is causing people to judge.  

I'll just get straight to the point and say it.  I took her to a tattoo and piercing shop; Liquid Swordz, in Ypsilanti.  There I met Dave, the guy that I allowed to stick a need through my daughter's ears.  Most people's initial reaction is "Why the hell would you do that to sweet Mary?!"

First, have you ever thought about how awful the idea of a piercing gun is?  We live in an age where boys can't even shoot pretend guns with their fingers without getting in trouble, and yet, we'll put a "gun" to our child's ear?  Plus, consider the sharpness of a needle, with that of an earring.  It makes so much more sense to pierce using a needle than it does to force a dull earring through the ear.

Second, think about the cleanliness of the location.  Having been in the tattoo chair once, or twice, or well... a lot, I know how clean these places are.  In order for tattoo & piercing places to remain in business, they have to be spot-on clean.  Their work spaces are pretty much empty except for a chair and a light.  Their tools are sterilized and new ones are used for each individual.  It's like going to the dentist, when they open up all those tools from packages, which is your comfort that they are clean... these tattoo and piercing tools are also pulled out of these sterile, plastic bag... things.  I've been to the mall, and I've seen things there which lead me to believe their standards of clean are different than mine.  Plus, those piercing guns have all those little nooks and small spaces, even if you tried I wouldn't think you could get that as clean as you'd want it.  A needle on the other hand, a pretty simple object and quite simple to get sterile.

Third, think of the individual doing the piercing.  A young something earning close to minimum wage, that may or may not have started on the job yesterday, just doing this for a paycheck until they finish school and can start their career?  Or a professional, who makes a living out of piercing, and has been doing it for years?   In my mind, the guy that pierces all sorts of body parts, is going to be the expert in ear piercing department.   The expert is the one I want working on my little girl.  The people that do this for a living, it's not just another ear to them, it's their reputation, their life, it's an art.  They take this stuff way more seriously than someone at the mall.

Fourth, I remember my own ear piercing experience, with the gun, and it was horrible.  I was terrified, so terrified that I think I actually didn't get it done on my first try.  We left and went back another time.  I was still terrified.  It hurt forever.  It was scary and loud.  I cried, a lot.  I wanted the opposite for Mary.

The one and only downfall... they don't keep kids earrings in stock, so we had to order them and wait 3 weeks for them to be ready for us.  Anyone who knows my Mary knows that when she gets her mind set on doing something, also knows that she isn't keen on waiting.  Longest three weeks of my life!  The upside - the earrings really are quite pretty.  And the have balls on the back, so they won't dig into her neck like traditional earrings can.

When we got the call last night that they were ready, we immediately went!  Well, almost immediately... in typical girl fashion, Mary first wanted to change her clothes!
The official ear piercing outfit
While I filled out the paperwork and got things going, Mary danced around the lobby and made friends with the young adults in the lobby waiting to get tattooed.  Was she scared?  No way.  First of all, it's Mary, she fears nothing.  Second of all, she was too excited to be scared.  Third of all, everyone was totally chatting with her, making her feel comfortable and at ease.  Forth of all, she has no idea that there was any other option.  As far as she is concerned, all people that want their ears pierced go to this place and see this guy.  Does Dave look a little different that the crowd she normally hangs out with?  Sure, he has tattoos, giant ear gauges, some weird head horn things... but he's totally a nice guy, has a family, a home, a life, and feelings just like anyone else.  We go out of our way to teach our kids to accept people, why would this be any different?  What would be the point of saying to her "I know he looks different, but that's no reason to be afraid"... that would be totally backwards right?  I guarantee that suddenly she would think there was reason to be afraid, and would be.  She just thinks he's just some cool guy.  (By the way... a little out of sequence here, but Dave thinks Mary is a cool gal too!  Here's a bit of an email he sent me today "I am glad she is soo excited about  them.   I pierce a lot of children's lobes and your little Mary was awesome.  Coolest kid I have pierced in years.")

When it was our turn, we went to the back and Mary immediately jumped onto the big chair.  I forced her to bring Boo in case she needed something to snuggle. First we dotted her ears to make sure we were getting them in the right spot, and even!  Dave was totally patient with Mary wanting to jump down and look in the mirror every 5 seconds.  Dot 1, jump down and look in the mirror.  Dot 2, jump down and look in the mirror.  Re-do dot 1, jump down and look in the mirror... etc.  He was very cool with her.

Finally, it was earring time!  We asked Mary her preference, sitting alone or in my lap.  She choose in my lap.  Dave talked us through the process (which he had already done like 4 times, but it was still nice to hear again) and showed Mary some deep breathing techniques.  10 seconds later, ear one was done!  Mary gasped during the piercing, and whimpered when he pushed the back on, but no tears!  I think she was a little stunned, but as soon as she jumped down and saw that pink sparkly in her ear, she was totally over any sadness that she felt.  She loved it!  She jumped right back up and got ready for the next ear, this time, she sat all by herself.  Again, we breathed as instructed by Dave, and 10 seconds later ear two was done!  I think maybe one to two tears sneaked out that time, but no real crying!  I was shocked, where was the screaming and trauma that I experienced?  

Ever so slightly upset
She quickly jumped down again, looked in the mirror, and approved!  Dave cleaned her up, gave us some instructions on care for the next several weeks.  Off Mary skipped to the lobby to show all of her friends.  She was so happy (and still is)!!  She couldn't wait to go home to show Daddy.  Most of all, she really wants to go back to school to show her teacher and friends there!  

She was thrilled, I was thrilled, best ear piercing experience ever.  I know a lot of the Mom's think I'm crazy, and tell me I would have been just as happy going to the mall.  I will maintain that things went better at Liquid Swordz than they would have at the mall.  Sure, both places she would have left with earrings.  But, leaving with a smile vs. leaving with tears was worth it to me.  I would totally recommend Dave to anyone looking to getting a piercing!
Totally happy with her earrings!  Thanks Dave!
So tonight, as I sit in the Clay House, and drink my Clayhouse wine (I know, I'm totally cheesy!), I lift my glass to being different!  Do what you feel is best in your heart, and ignore those that tell you that you are crazy.  What have you done lately that's a little out of the ordinary?

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