Saturday, March 2, 2013

Sanders Chocolate Wine

Description on the bottle:  Chocolate worth sharing - Sanders Fine Chocolates - Since 1875 - Chocolate Wine - Grape wine with natural flavors & cream.

Sarah says:  It was recently brought to my attention that I haven't been blogging as much.  It's true - I blame Jon for that.  Although this started as an "us" blog - it quickly turned into my blog that gave me something to do while Jon was working at night.  Now that he's home more, I don't really want to spend my evenings blogging, I want to spend them with my hubs!  The second reason that I've been blogging less, I was starting to feel like I wrote the same thing over and over and over.  I don't want to bore you guys.

So, today I went on the hunt for something new and different.  And I found chocolate wine!!  Seriously, could I have found anything better?  Two of my favorite loves... combined!  There is risk involved here - when we take two things that we love, we expect the combination to be out of this world.  We hype it up and risk being let down when it doesn't live up to the expectation.  That is exactly what happened here.  It's not that this was bad - it just wasn't all that I expected it to be.  I wish it had been a little more chocolaty.  It's definitely a one glass at a time kind of drink - where I often drink two (ok fine, sometimes 3) glasses of wine.  It tastes very similar to Kahlua, which isn't bad either, but I'd rather mix that with coffee or ice cream, not just drink it alone.  The worst part about this wine though, despite shaking it like crazy (even Jon shook it!), it was sort of... um... chunky.  So, then I stirred it with a spoon for freaking ever, and I still ran across the occasional chunk while drinking.  Yuck.  Chocolate or not - wine should not have chunks, and it totally grossed me out.  I probably wouldn't purchase this again - I'll always associate it with that gagging feeling as I swallowed something chunky.

Overall rating:  Thumbs down

Sarah says:  Speaking of trying something new... the craziest thing happened to me recently that has me re-thinking my whole running philosophy.  While running on the treadmill (good thing I ran today - I don't even want to think about the number of calories in this drink!), I was about 10 min in, when a women got on the machine next to me and started going.  I quickly noticed we were going at the exact same pace.  Every single step I took, her's were right there matching mine.  Every swing of my arms, hers were going too.  My breaths matched hers.  I've always considered myself someone that runs alone.  It's the one area in my life where I don't feel like I'm competing with anyone, or being held back by anyone.  By going alone, I go at exactly my own pace, no one else gets an opinion.  But this running together thing... it felt amazing.  My next statement might sound crazy, but it was as if every step she took, I could feel it in my body.  The pounding of her feet matching the pounding in my heart.  It felt awesome.  She doesn't know it but she totally powered me along.  I didn't feel tired at the end, I felt great.  If it wasn't for the kids corner at the gym closing, I probably would have stayed and kept on going.  As someone who seriously dislikes being interrupted during a run, there was no way I would have stopped her to find out if we could "run together" again.  So, now I'm re-thinking, maybe it's time for a running buddy.  Anyone interested?

When was the last time you tried something new?


  1. I have not had the Sanders brand of chocolate wine but another kind. It was NOT chunky though and didn't need stirring. I thought it reminded me of Baileys, and yeah, definitely only one glass was wanted.

  2. I have bought several bottle of chocolate wine, Sanders brand by far is the worse. The CHUNKS are terrible. I thought it was the bottle I has bought so I went back to the store but every bottle on the shelf was the same.

  3. My girlfriend and myself tried different chocolate wines. We really like the chunks of chocolate. Sanders is the best of all the chocolate wines.
