Saturday, March 30, 2013

The Little Penguin Chardonnay

Description on the bottle:  The Little Penguin, the smallest of penguins, can be found along many parts of South Eastern Australia's coast.  This region is home to some of the finest vineyards in Australia and is home to the Little Penguin wines.  The Little Penguin Chardonnay has tropical fruit flavors with a crisp, clean finish and pairs well with a wide variety of foods.  Try it tonight with seafood, chicken or on it's own.  Pour a glass and add a little fun to any occasion.

Sarah says:  Why have I been avoiding Chardonnay all this time?!  It's delicious, I love it!  It's very similar to white wine, which, as we should all know by now, is my favorite, but the Chardonnay has a little something extra.  What is that little something you ask?  I'm not sure, it's kind of a small kick in the back of my throat, one of those good pain kind of things.  All I know is, I would definitely drink this again.  I'd also like to add that this goes well with popcorn, that's what I'm munching on right now.  Yum.

Overall rating:  Thumbs up!

Sarah says:  I'm feeling cranky.  I have a few things that I need to complain about.  So, if you're not in the mood to read my rant, stop reading now.  As parents, we have to primary jobs, to teach and to protect.  I go out of my way to do these two things for my, well, my two little penguins.  

Compliant #1:  The people that drive their kids to the bus stop and let them wait in the car.  Liam and I (or Jon - depending on how the morning is going) walk to the bus stop every single morning.  Then, we stand there and wait.  And every single morning, without fail, there is at least 2 parents sitting there with their kids in the car.  Really?  First of all, it's elementary school - which means we all live within 100 yards of this bus stop - it's not that far to walk.  Second of all of all, letting your kids sit in the car while the rest of us stand outside, gives off some sort of "we're better than them" impression.  We stand out in the cold, in the rain, in the sun... so can you.  It also kind of lets them be a little wimpy - learning how to brave the weather will come in handy if you ever go camping! And you know, when you're older and will have to scrape a car of in the freezing cold, or park in the last spot in the parking lot.  I do really believe that Liam will be better able to handle these days, since he's been standing out in whatever weather comes our way everyday.  I also think it's important that I stand out there with Liam.  I see tons of parents sending their 6 & 7 year olds out there and watching from the window.  Again - if Liam is expected to stand out there, it's only natural that he should expect me to stand there too, and I do.  Come on parents, suck it up for 5 minutes, it's not that bad.

Complaint #2:  Not believing in Santa.  Why did Liam come home a few days ago asking if Santa was real?  Because so-and-so from his class said he didn't exist.  What?  You are 5!  Believe!!  Yes, Christmas is about something much more important than a fat flying guy - and my kids know that.  But really, has believing in Santa really ever really harmed a kid?  Especially in today's world, where our kids are expected to grow up super fast, can't we just let them believe in something magical for a while?  Shame on the parents that let their 5 year old know that Santa isn't real, and bigger shame on them for not telling that child to keep that a secret.  They are ruining other kids fun.  You do whatever you think is best over there, but over here, we believe in flying reindeer.

Complaint #3:  Pre-made Easter baskets.  Did these always exist and I just never noticed because I didn't have kids?  or is it something new?  It feels new, and I hate it.  My little penguins keep telling me which Easter baskets they want, and I just keep telling them that the Easter bunny will fill the baskets they already have with whatever he decides to bring this year.  When did kids stop anticipating the jelly beans and chocolate bunnies in their baskets, and begin to expect presents from stores?  Baskets pre-made, overflowing with presents, and wrapped in plastic?  That's not what the Easter bunny does!  I dislike it.  My kids will never get one of those.  I enjoy buying them LITTLE presents and their favorite treats to fill their baskets.  No one needs anything that big and fake.

Whew - got that off my chest.  I feel better.  Thanks for reading.  I'm hoping this wine pairs well with jelly beans, which I'll be using to as I play Easter Bunny in a few hours.  

What's bothering you lately?

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