Thursday, February 14, 2013

Weekend White

Sarah says:  I had to steal this picture from the winery website, my camera is acting a little funny.  I might have to get a new camera for our trip to Disney World this summer.  Which - on a side note - I'm so looking forward to this trip - especially since this is our last bottle of wine from our fall winery trip.  It's delicious though - we saved one of the bests for last.  This wine is yummy, it's easy to drink, it's dry and sweet, it's a good table wine.  I would totally keep this on hand to have ready if friends or family came over.  It a nice, sit around and chat, wine. 

But, speaking of the weekend, I know it's Thursday, but my weekend starts tonight.  And not just any old regular weekend, a 4 day weekend!  Whoo to the whooo!  Furlough days and Presidents day are my new favorite things.  I so need this long weekend.  I have intentions on doing a lot of catching up.  I need to catch up on sleep, on quality kid time, on my workouts, on a few doctors appointments.  The biggest one I need to catch up on is... reading.

Let's see, I'm 30 years old, that means for 29 years I went out of my way to make sure I was only reading one book at a time.  I love reading, but I know that I can't really focus on multiple books.  And yet, somehow over the past year, I find myself reading several books.  Right now I'm currently in the middle of 5, and I'm pondering starting another.  5!!!  Who reads 5 books and keeps them straight?  Not me.  It was painful at my bible study today when I realized that although I read the chapter, I didn't really take anything in.  I can only think it's because I've read 5 other chapters from 5 others books and they are all beginning to mingle into each other.

Here's what I'm currently reading:

House of Dreams - the typical cheesy romance novel, it has love, attraction, meaningless breakups, and obvious rekindling.  This is perfect when I need something mindless.

The Red Tent - a fictional biblical story, I love reading this book every time I pick it up.  Yet, somehow I find that this book gets pushed to the back of my night stand and I forget about it for awhile.  Then, while cleaning, I'll pick it up again.  Read a few chapters, love it, and sadly put it down again due to other commitments.

The Story - The Bible as one continuing story of God and his people.  This book is being read by my entire church family, even the kids and youth have their own versions of the story.  It's very cool to have my kids learning the same things in Sunday school that I'm hearing about in service, that we're all reading about at home.  It puts the Bible in chronological order, and has been very educational for my family.

Christianity after Religion - this book talks about the movement away from churches over the last decade.  I'm not really sure how I feel about this book yet, I've been reading it slowly for 5 months or so, and I'm only through 3 chapters.  I do realize that since I'm an Elder at my church, I should probably be more interested in what is going on in the world of religion, but I'm sort of in a place in my life where I'm still building my own beliefs and how I want to teach my kids about it.  I'm not really all that concerned about what the rest of the world is doing.

The Complete Gluten Free Diet & Nutrition Guide - I'm learning more and more about gluten free foods everyday.  This book has been my number one guide, I pretty much carry it around and have read it over and over at this point.  I've also copied pages to take to the grocery store and give to my parents when he goes for visits.  I highly recommend this book for anyone going gluten free.

And the book I'm pondering about starting...
Made to Crave - my church is starting a group to go through this book about craving God not food.  As I continue to struggle with my body image and food intake, I thought this would be a wonderful opportunity.  I even borrowed the book from a pal.  But I'm starting to think I might be getting in over my head if I start another book.

As a self declared insomniac - I used to do a lot of my reading in the middle of the nights.  But ever since I got my cool kindle, I find myself pointlessly playing around on that all night.  I really need to get back into the books so I can finish some of these books and get back to my 1 book at a time rule.  Either way, this weekend, I plan on opening a bottle of wine, curling up with my stack of books, and catching up!

What books are you currently reading?

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