Monday, October 21, 2013

Ascencion Part II

Sarah says:  This wine is way better the second time around. Maybe it's because as a part of the wine club, I've been exposing myself to more reds, and they are growing on me.  Is it my favorite wine, no,  But is it totally drinkable, yup!  Speaking of the wine club, I have 5 bottles left, and my next shipment comes in two weeks.  Eeekkk!  I'm not ready.  My original plan was one bottle a week.  A couple weeks out of town, and 3 bonus bottles on my first shipment, means I'm totally behind.  I have some catching up to do.  Halloween is good for wine drinking, right?

The flowers in the background are from Jon for Sweetest Day, which was sweet, but unexpected.  As a general rule, Jon and I don't celebrate Sweetest Day.  During the first several years of our relationship, we got in pretty big fights on every "romantic" holiday, and it ruined our plans every time.  There was the time that Jon got me a stuffed animal pig because I thought it was cute, seriously Jon... a pig?  (Word of advice to guys, don't every buy a girl a pig, never never never)  Then there was the time that Jon took me on a special date.... to the freaking movie theater that we went to every single week.  Eventually, we stopped recognizing them as special days, and the fights stopped too!

Although, not a sweetest day plan, we attempted an impromptu date night on Friday.  We even got a last minute babysitter, who offered a sleepover with no strings attached (THANKS ANNE!!!).  I've said it before, and I'll say it again, I love my kids, but I love my time without them too.  I wasn't about to turn this down, so we packed the kids up and sent them off.  This all started because Jon really wanted to go to the movies.  I know what you all think - Jon works at the theater, don't we see movies all the time?  The answer is no.  We see every cartoon movie that comes out, but adult movies...  not so much.  7 years ago, sure, we saw a movie every weekend.  That's one of those things that goes out the window once you have kids.  Not that we are complaining one bit, normally we're fine with it, we rent movies in the evenings instead of going out.  But this particular night, we had the urge to see a movie, in a theater, without kids reaching for our popcorn or back washing in our pop, without some blue drawing as the main character.

So, there we are, kid free, full from hummus and chicken shawarma (something the kids would balk at), and we're scanning the movie listings.  Jon wanted to see Carrie or Escape Plan.  I wanted to see Gravity or Captain Phillips.  There is no compromise (for the record, I was way more willing to see Jon's movies than he was mine), but it just wasn't happening.  So instead, we went home and went to bed.  Which was equally as awesome.  Sleep is also something that has declined since having kids.

But that got me wondering, would it have been so awful if we each went and saw our own movie?  

I'm very torn about this.  Even though we see considerably more of each other than we did a year ago, Jon and I still don't get a lot of together time.  Between work, kids, church & school, there is always something going on.  So, since we had this evening, it would have felt "wrong" to split up.  But, seeing a movie isn't exactly quality time.  Sitting quietly together, or sitting quietly apart, same result, right?  But then we'd be missing out on the opportunity to have quality conversation afterwards about what we both just saw.  But, we could argue that we could still chat, each about our respective movies, but would it not be as meaningful?

Several years ago the decision would have been easy, Jon picks this week, I pick next week.  But, since this was a now or never type of situation, there is no next week to even it up.  Apparently we choose never.  We had the attitude that if I can't see the movie I want, no one is seeing a movie.  Kind of like my kids would.  And it's not like we went and did something else fun together, we literately ceased conversation, and slept.  See, going out on sweetest day never works for us!

What would you have done?

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