Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Sequin Delicately Bubbled Rose Wine

Description on the bottle:  Add a little sparkle to your day.  Sequin Rose is aromatic and light with delicate bubbles - allowing fragrant floral aromas and flavors of fresh strawberries, lychee and lively citrus to shimmer.  This wine is high style and delightfully easy to sip.  Serve well chilled.  Enjoy a glass on its own or as a refreshing wine cocktail.

Sarah says:  YUM!  This wine is amazing, I love it!  It's giving my favorite a run for it's money.  I think I will declare this my Summer Time Favorite - whereas my ultimate favorite is more year round.  I love everything about this wine, from it's fruity flavor, tiny bubbles, and pink polka dot bottle - it's perfect.  The bubbles are so subtle that it allows you to enjoy that tingle in your mouth without overwhelming you.  The flavor is sooo delicious, it's like drinking strawberry juice.  It's perfect for a summer evening, I could just sit here and drink and drink and drink... wait that is what I'm doing...   I should also give some props to Jon, since he picked this out, way to go sweetie!  I almost feel bad that I took such a lame picture of this wine, with my bread and bananas in the background.  Sequin deserves so much better.

Overall rating:  Two thumbs way up!

Sarah says:  I enjoy that the bottle describes this wine as delicately bubbled.  It sounds so fragile - just holding the bottle makes me nervous.  Like when you are walking through the glass section of the department stores, it's all so delicate... I'm terrified that I'm going to sneeze or something, and that will cause my body to make some crazy movement, and that will cause me to break something.  Luckily, I never have... yet (knocking on wood, right now).

Know what else I'm afraid of breaking?  My children.  I don't mean literally (although when they were born, Jon really did think he might break them, he's grown so much!), I'm just afraid of them getting hurt.  Like most Moms do, we want to protect my kids from all of harms way.  It makes me wonder how much we hold our kids back.  I try to walk that very fine line, where we push them to learn and grow and make mistakes, but are still there to hold their hand when needed.  It's difficult to see where that line starts and ends.  I just discovered last week that I've been holding Liam back, apparently he can swim!  I know he's been telling me for months that he doesn't need floaties anymore, but I make him wear them anyways.  Why?  Because I'm terrified of him drowning (that and we literally have the coldest pool ever, I really don't want to jump in after him).  But last week, we were at a pool, I was tending to Mary, putting on her floaties of course.  I knew Liam was in the water without them, but I thought he was just splashing around the shallow end.  I looked up and saw an empty shallow end, I panicked, I looked down the pool and saw him in the DEEP END!!!!  I jumped up (calm down, not into the pool, just up out of my seat), and screamed for Jon that Liam couldn't touch (that's good parenting right there, always call for Daddy when things get scary).  Then I continued to watch him swim across the entire pool, across the whole deep end, to the edge.  He wasn't even phased.  He just looked at me and smiled, and gave me a weird "why are you standing up and staring at me" look.  Then he turned around and went back.  What?!  When did he learn to swim?!  Apparently, while I was busy being nervous about him breaking and drowning.

I haven't figured out if there are other examples of my fear limiting their progress in growing up, but I'm sure there are some.  So, Moms and Dads out there, how do you let your children grow, while protecting them at the same time?  Seems nearly impossible.

I think I'll go have another glass of this outstanding wine and ponder it!

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