Saturday, August 2, 2014

Dreaming Tree Crush

Description on the bottle:  An exciting collaboration between Dave Matthews and acclaimed winemaker Steve Reeder, Dreaming Tree captures the spirit of California's wine country.  United by their shared passion to make quality wines accessible to everyone, the two friends set out on a journey to discover the unique characters and rich flavors that give the region its rare charm.

Dave Matthews:  Two Hot Dogs in a Pick-up - A hit day two dogs chase a stick thrown into a pond again and again.  The older, slower dog never gets the stick and moans at the effort but always goes in "maybe this time".

Steve Reeder:  For the Dreaming Tree Crush, Dave and I hand-selected a special blend of our favorite varieties to create a red wine that pulls you in with notes of smokey berry and a pop of raspberry jam.  Around the dinner table or out on the patio, it's a wine you're going to want to share with your favorite people.

Sarah says:  While I found the description on the bottle to be fascinating, I did not feel the same way about the wine.  I was just ok, drinkable, but it was nothing memorable.  Although, I drank the bottle in just 2 sittings, so it couldn't have been that bad.  I just can't think of anything specific to say about it, either good or bad.  Oh well.

Overall rating:  Medium thumbs

Sarah says:  I've been in a place where I've felt that dreams are hard for me achieve.  First of all, I don't sleep a lot.  As much as I wish that I could crawl into bed after a long day and curl up in my bed to sleep, it pretty much just never works that way for me.  Sleep, and thus dreams, are generally something that only come easily for me when I've taken some sort of sleep aid, which I generally don't like to do.  The past few weeks have been extraordinarily bad in the sleep department for me.  I'm not really sure why, there hasn't been anything unusual happening to stress me out.  On a positive note, I'm getting really good at learning to survive in a sleep deprived state.  And, quite frankly, sleep is over rated.  Think about it, it's probably the most boring thing ever!  I've come to realize I can use the hours of uninterrupted time to get lots of stuff done.  I'm done wasting hours tossing and turning, I'd rather get up and be productive.  Sleep, and the dreams that come with it, are dumb.

But, other dreams, "life dreams", are important.  They give you something to aim for, a purpose, and a reason to make good choices.  Most of my life dreams are slowly going down the drain.  Occasionally I dream about owning another house, we walked through a spur of the moment open house a few weeks ago, so that dream popped in my head again, but quickly vanished again when I put in a maintenance request for a leaky faucet and it was fixed the next day.  Jon and I are just not into that sort of repair stuff that comes with home ownership.

I've been dreaming about Hawaii for 10 years with Jon, and I'm suddenly nervous that that dream will have to be put on hold.  We have some big bills coming up because of our Southfield house drama (yup, that house that we put on the market in Feb 2012, still dealing with that!)

I'm forever grateful that my Dad paid for my college, and I dream of doing the same thing for my kids one day.  But as I watch the rising costs of education, that dream seems to be getting more challenging to achieve.

Additionally, my kids demand most of my free time, so any of my own dreams are usually pushed aside to their needs.  Although, now that I think about it... I'm teaching my kids to follow their own dreams, and that in itself is a dream of mine.  I'm raising two super kids.  Sure they have troubles and complications, but all in all, I have two really awesome kids.  I guess maybe I am achieving my own dreams too!

What are your dreams?

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