Friday, June 27, 2014


Description on the bottle:  Discovery.  Adventure.  The thrill of something new.  Epica is about experiencing more.  it's about moments:  getting together with friends and sharing spirited conversation, good food, and great wine.  This Chilean Red Wine explodes with flavors of savory cherry and dark cocoa - big enough to share or enjoy on your own.

Sarah says:  I love the description on this bottle.  Sitting around with my friends, enjoying conversation and wine, laughing, telling stories and jokes, just living life, it sounds great.  Despite how great that sounds, I drank this wine alone, and I'm sure glad I did.  It's not great.  It's super spicy, as much as I'm loving red wine these days, I still don't love the spice.  It was pretty hard for me to drink, I wouldn't have wanted to subject my friends to it.

Overall rating:  Thumbs down.

Sarah says:  I did have two epic-like experiences recently.  The first relates to the wine cup in this pic.  It's a tumbler, travel type cup, in a wine glass shape.  I've had one of these for awhile, and just received a second one for my birthday this year, but just recently discovered their greatness.  A few weeks ago I was sitting outside waiting for the fireworks to start.  I wanted a glass of wine to relax with, but I was nervous having the glass outside.  It was likely to spill or even break.  I remembered this cup at the last minute, worked like a charm!  Since then, I've used my wine tumbler several times sitting outside on the porch and at the pool.  Is such a great thing!  It still gives me the wine glass feel, but the comfort of a lid!  EPIC!

My second epic moment happened a few days ago.  For some reason, Jon received a jar of fluff for Father's Day (not from me!).  I was confused by this, I've never heard him mention a love of fluff.  I've personally never had the stuff, my parents didn't allow such sugary items, and quite frankly, it never appealed to me.  Oh boy, have I been missing out!  Picture this... an Oreo, dipped in fluff.  Yup, that happened... A LOT.  It was amazing!  And when the Oreos ran out, I used graham crackers.  Yum.  I don't have a picture of any of this, because the fluff is gone.  We (mostly me) inhaled the jar in 3 days.  It was EPIC!

That's about all I have to update on, the past month has been BUSY!  Sorry I've been quiet, I'm sure that will change as summer is here, and sitting outside with my new wine glass is a new favorite past-time.

What exciting things have you been up to?

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