Friday, July 20, 2012

Wild Child Part II

Sarah says:  Interesting... I like this wine more the 2nd day than I did the first.  I poured and drank a glass, then I realized I didn't take a picture... so I poured another.  Since I'm not one to waste, I guess I'll just have to drink it!  I'm also sitting here eating a bag of big marshmallows... what a combination.

Today was day one of our big moving sale.  It went great!  We unloaded tons of stuff.  I can't wait to do more tomorrow.  I've pretty much hated living on our street for the past 7 years, but it turns out, it's awesome for having a yard sale on!  Seriously, I didn't sit down for a single moment from 10 - 5, there was constantly someone here.  At one point, I even had a line of people waiting to check out!!  Had I known it was going to be so crazy, I would have planned to have extra hands on deck.  A lot of the big stuff went today, so I'm sort of expecting tomorrow to be a little calmer, but I'm still pretty excited to be getting rid of so much stuff  (aka. crap).  The only downfall... we sold our kitchen table, microwave, and toaster oven.  How am I supposed to live until we move?!  Had I known it was going to sell less than 1 min after it was outside, I would have waited until the last day to put it out.  Jon and I were honestly just bringing stuff out, and it was gone, so we just kept bringing stuff out to fill the open spaces.  Stuff was sold before I even had a chance to wipe it down and put a price on it.  It was nuts.  And awesome.  The people were so happy to be getting such great deals, which of course, made me happy to be making them happy!

People are wild!  They were trying to buy stuff that wasn't even for sale.  Since we were going in and out, in and out, we had the door to the house open.  People were peering in asking if certain stuff was for sale, when we said no, they'd ask if they could buy it anyway!  Then, they would ask for a list of things that we still needed to bring out.  I would tell them that I wasn't really sure, we were just sort of walking around the house and grabbing stuff as we saw it (Jon and I were taking turns), so they'd want to walk around the house with us.  Um, no.  Then they'd act all mad, so I'd tell them they just had to come back in an hour and see what new stuff we had pulled out and they'd didn't like that.  So, I'd try to think of a few things that I knew I still needed to bring out, and they'd be disappointed with that.  Seriously people!  I just sold you my stuff for, like, a quarter - don't give me crap about what you might miss out on!!  Even with the crazies, I'm really looking forward to tomorrow!  It's fun, out with the old, in with the new!  We're using the funds we make to buy a few new things for the apartment.  Jon and I have done a great job of living off of cheap crappy stuff for the most of our relationship - I think we deserve a few nice things... we are finally building a home that I can be proud of!  Jon is getting a TV, and I'm getting a dining room table!!!  YAY!!!

Time for bed for me - today was exhausting.  I feel tired & dirty, my legs hurt, my eyes hurt.  It feels good, I feel productive, like there is a little less weight on my shoulders.  I so can't wait to do it again tomorrow!

1 comment:

  1. so exciting! I LOVE yard/garage sales. Did you have the kids there with you? That would have been crazy! Anyway, we had a garage sale when we moved from Chicago>Houston & let me tell you, people were practically trying to STEAL stuff from us. I had girls clothes marked 2/$1 & shoes for $1 a piece...this lady kept putting more & more & more in her bag and as I was adding it up, she just kept adding things saying, "I'll just take this for free, no one would buy it anyway." Um...excuse me? Then why are you putting it in your bag in such a hurry....I almost told her she couldn't buy anything & to please leave. Another lady paid me for 2 candles, then as she was leaving grabbed the other 2 left on the table. I didn't realize it until she was in the car. Theif! Seriously you just paid 50 cents and you feel you have to steal the other 50 cents to get a complete set? There are some crazy crazy people out there.
