Sarah says: I have no idea what the first sentence on the bottle means, but I think I like it. I also think I like this wine, but I'm leery. Generally, once the word spice is introduced, I run away screaming. I'm ok with it for the moment, but I haven't had much to eat, and I fear that if I tried to pair it with food, I'd have a different opinion. For those curious, the wine notes indicates it best with a poultry based meal. This chardonnay is quite flavorful, and I would think any food would mute that flavor. I say keep it simple and drink it alone after your kids go to bed. Keep food away from it.
Overall rating: Thumbs mid-way up.
Sarah says: As I pondered a topic tonight, I found myself says to myself "well, I used to use the wine name as a topic starter, but now that I'm in the wine club, the names aren't very interesting. How can I incorporate the name DeLoach in my thoughts?" Throughout this thought, I realized that I do a lot of looking back on my life. Maybe it's the auditor in me where we'd spend weeks, months if you include the planning time (yup, we'd plan our look backwards), looking at what happened over the past year at a client, then we'd spend just a couple of hours asking about what's coming up for the next year. Now that I'm at the Township, the mentality is the opposite, instead of looking at what happened, we are looking at what is going to happen (or that is what we are supposed to be looking at, I'm obviously still struggling to get on board with that). We're working on the 2015 budget. What?! I'm still in 2013 mode, and what about 2014? We've got time, why do we need to look so far forward? (says the stubborn, doesn't want to change her ways, me). As I sit in my office and pout, I realized that I'm constantly looking backwards. I'm re-evaluating how things have turned out, re-asking what would have happened if only if..., did it go the way I expected, why or why not. It's time to start looking forward. It's like Rafiki from "The Lion King" says "It doesn't matter, it's in the past". No more dwelling over Liam's kindergarten experience - we're on to 1st grade now, it's bigger and better. No more pondering about the Southfield house and what we could of, should of done different... it's in the past. No more being mad about the ice cream that I ate that didn't need, time to focus on the healthy eating that will take place going forward.
That's not to say you can't remember previous experience and learn from them, I'm just saying I won't be stewing over them anymore. I read an inspirational saying once, and I can't find the exact words (google let me down!), but the idea had something to do with our life's being like a book. We have to constantly move forward, closing one chapter and starting a new one. You can remember the previous chapters, but the focus is on the current one, not the past.
How will this better me? Well, it will free up a lot of time in my mind. Instead of pondering what could be different in my life if previous things had gone differently, I'll be thinking about my future and how exciting that it can be! And when things don't go as planned, I'll just think forward and come up with a new future. The possibilities are endless with forward thinking. Backwards thinking just gets you stuck in a rut and you feel out of options. Forward thinking allows for mistakes, but ends positively anyways. I'm totally looking forward to it.
Tonight I drink to moving forward!
What have you been looking backwards at? Is it time to head in a different direction?
What have you been looking backwards at? Is it time to head in a different direction?
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